Het open-coomunity achter VLC mediplayer heeft nieuwe updates uitgebracht voor de mediaplayer. In versie 3.0 is onder meer ondersteuning voor Chromecast toegevoegd, zodat video´s draaloos afgespeeld kunnen worden op alle apparaten met Chromecast ondersteuning. Verder is er hardwareversnelling voor het decoderen van 4k- en 8k-video, ondersteuning voor HDR, weergave van 360-gradenvideo’s en 3D audio, toegang tot netwerklocaties via onder meer smb, ftp en nfs. Nu is het mogelijk om Twitch video´s te af te spelen in de player.
Changes in version 3.0.10:
Update Twitch & VLSub scripts
Changes in version
Properly bump the version in configure.ac
Changes in version
Fix VLSub returning 401 for earch request
Changes in version 3.0.9:
Work around busy looping when playing an invalid item through VLM
Multiple dvdread and dvdnav crashs fixes
Fixed DVD glitches on clip change
Fixed dvdread commands/data sequence inversion in some cases causing unwanted glitches
Better handling of authored as corrupted DVD
Added libsmb2 support for SMB2/3 shares
Fix TTML entities not passed to decoder
Fixed some WebVTT styling tags being not applied
Misc raw H264/HEVC frame rate fixes
Fix adaptive regression on TS format change (mostly HLS)
Fixed MP4 regression with twos/sowt PCM audio
Fixed some MP4 raw quicktime and ms-PCM audio
Fixed MP4 interlacing handling
Multiple adaptive stack (DASH/HLS/Smooth) fixes
Enabled Live seeking for HLS
Fixed seeking in some cases for HLS
Improved Live playback for Smooth and DASH
Fixed adaptive unwanted end of stream in some cases
Faster adaptive start and new buffering control options
Fixes H264/HEVC incomplete draining in some cases
packetizer_helper: Fix potential trailing junk on last packet
Added missing drain in packetizers that was causing missing last frame or audio
Improved check to prevent fLAC synchronization drops
avcodec: revector video decoder to fix incomplete drain
spudec: implemented palette updates, fixing missing subtitles on some DVD
Fixed WebVTT CSS styling not being applied on Windows/macOS
Fixed Hebrew teletext pages support in zvbi
Fixed Dav1d aborting decoding on corrupted picture
Extract and display of all CEA708 subtitles
Update libfaad to 2.9.1
Add DXVA support for VP9 Profile 2 (10 bits)
Mediacodec aspect ratio with Amazon devices
Audio output:
Added support for iOS audiounit audio above 48KHz
Added support for amem audio up to 384KHz
Video output:
Fix for opengl glitches in some drivers
Fix GMA950 opengl support on macOS
YUV to RGB StretchRect fixes with NVIDIA drivers
Use libpacebo new tone mapping desaturation algorithm
Text renderer:
Fix crashes on macOS with SSA/ASS subtitles containing emoji
Fixed unwanted growing background in Freetype rendering and Y padding
Fixed some YUV mappings
Use a layer based video output on 10.14 and higher, which should fix various rendering issues where the vout would glitch between a wrong size and the correct size. Additionally this works around OpenGL issues with Macs that have a dedicated NVIDIA GPU, which caused rendering artifacts in the whole OS, especially when the “Reduce transparency” accessibility option is used
Remove qtsound module and add avaudiocapture module as replacement
Fix audio capture on macOS Catalina by using avaudiocapture
Inform the user in case OS permissions are missing for certain actions
Fix Apple Remote support on macOS Catalina
Add support for pausing Apple Music on macOS Catalina
Fix UPnP discovery crash without an active network interface
Fix rare placement issues with fullscreen panel
Fix problem in audio output remembering the last device configuration in digital mode
Service Discovery:
Update libmicrodns to 0.1.2
Update YouTube, SoundCloud and Vocaroo scripts: this restores playback of YouTube URLs.
Add missing .wpl & .zpl file associations on Windows
Improved chromecast audio quality